Underdogz Success is the Best Addiction
UNDERDOGZ Success is the Best Addiction
What Are You Fighting For
What are you fighting for , why are you waking up everyday? To do what? To do your daily routine that was established by society and some guys dress in suits, to do the routines that were established 40, 50 years ago, when the whole idea of life was completely different to what we experience today.
The definition of success is different to everyone, that’s a fact, my goals are not the same as yours, or the guy next to you, my life experience is very different to what you the reader has had experienced, therefore my goals which most of the time are created or based on what I have faced in life will be unlike yours, so don’t generalized the meaning of success or measure yourself with others: for example if you see a person who has the things you would like, you would think he is a successful person, but what you might not know is that, that car, that house, that business is a normality for him, maybe he grew up under that environment so for him thats normal and success for him would be something completely different like: a lasting relationship, it could very well be disease free, maybe his goals are been healthy without caring so much for possessions or tangibles. In other words do not compare yourself to nobody but your own success standards.
If your one of the 90% who dream of a better life but are part of the 5% who actually do something about it, you'll get what you want, what you put in, what is it what you want, what's important to you, go and get it simple as that, and remember that not even money is as important as health, freedom, if money would not exist, would you still do what you do, think about it
Do You Have The Guts To Fail
Do you have the guts to fail, the willingness to fail, the acceptance of failure, why am I asking, well simple because you will fail at one point or another, thats a fact, and you will fail time after time, until you learn (by doing mistakes).
Not everyone is cut off to accept defeats here and there, or maybe you can deal with one or two blows but when is pouring some will run for cover and become a statistic.
Keep your vision until the end, that planed goal is very important, is your blue print to get to your destination, keep that vision alive and fresh, and when doubt comes or you hit an obstacle that momentarily deviates you from the that path, relieve that vision, that goal, thats whats going to bring you back on course.
“No man ever achieved worth-while success who did not, at one time or another, find himself with at least one foot hanging well over the brick of failure”
- Napoleon Hill.
When you are born with a silver spoon, you simple don't know about the spectrum of life, you only know the right side of it, you’re not happy 100% you’re not fulfill 100%. Is in knowing the other side of the spectrum, the dark one, the low one, the days with uncertain tomorrows, the long restless nights, wondering, planing, researching, and just looking at the ceiling at 2:00am with your brain at 100 mph. Those are the moments your will be more proud of, not the money, not the position, not the status, not the car not the house, The harsh times are what you are going to remember, those moments when you self doubt, those are the ones that are going to put a smile on your face and say " I MADE IT"
A lot of people mentioned to me that they love the videos, that they pump them on, so I'll leave another video here just in case it works for you.